hack a day

!Mediengruppe Bitnik deal with the cultural impacts of media and technology on the society. They develop a new project for [plug.in] that looks into the subject matter of work in times of global division of labour. Outsourcing - common in the economical context - will be tried out in an experimental setting with artistic labour.

A Hack a Day is an ongoing series of workshops with domestic and foreign artists. The artists are invited to produce a social hack in cooperation with participants. Among the first invitees were: Sofatrips.com (CH) C6.org (UK), Platoniq.org (ES).

Besides the day-workshops the format extends also to A Hack a Night - an evening programme with focus on experimental handling of audio/visual and electronic music.

picture by Bernard Polet, cc by-nc-nd

Place, Time and Date
26 Apr 2008 - 3:30pm - 7:00pm
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free entry & free exit
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