OkCon: The Annual Open Knowledge Conference
OkCon brings together individuals and groups from across the open knowledge spectrum for a day of seminars and workshops on topics from environment,to visualisation, education and media economics. There will also be open space break-out sessions so bring your own agenda!
Introduction to Open Knowledge 2008: 1030
Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation
Session 1 (1045-1200): Transport and Environment
* Gavin Starks (AMEE and dgen)
* Tom Steinberg (MySociety)
* Dr Muki Haklay (Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London)
Session 2 (1200-1315): Visualization and Analysis
* Liz Turner
* Gael Varoquaux (Mayavi2 and Scientific Python)
* One other TBC
Session 3 (1415-1530): Education and Academia
* Erik Duval (ARIADNE)
* Lisa Petrides (OER Commons)
* Dr Martin Brett (Cambridge University History Department)
Open Space (1530-1830)
* Contributed (and spontaneous) lightning talks, demos, mini-workshops
Open Media Economics Panel (15:45-16:45)
* Jamie King http://www.stealthisfilm.com
* Joerg Baach http://www.opencoin.org
* Simon Worthington http://www.openmute.org
* Holmes Wilson http://www.getmiro.org