Suna no Onna

Interactive Dance Performance

Suna no Onna (Woman in the Dunes), adapted from Hiroshi Teshigaharas mysterious 1960s cult movie, is a dance installation that merges virtual and real images of a life of existential entrapment in an inhospitable habitat. The ominous sand dunes of Teshigahara's desert are transformed into virtual realities that shape the unconscious ground where the Woman (Katsura Isobe) meets a scientist-foreigner who stumbles into her life to become a captive. The work combines dance, interactive video and animation, fashion design and electronic music.

Place, Time and Date
14 Mar 2008 - 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Participating Individuals: 
Ilze Black
Dans Sans Joux
Participating Groups or projects: 
Booking and Contact Information
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Concessionary Price: 
Booking Information: 
Box Office: 020 8232 1010
Editors of this node:
Ilze Black