
ap operates within the fields of discourse, speculative hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the situational (performances and interventions).

ap [martin howse and jonathan kemp] - software and situations

ap operates within the fields of discourse, speculative hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the situational (performances and interventions).

the digital made physical, audible, visible through geological computing and complex systems

recoding data processing algorithms on the fly, ap transform the performance space into an open laboratory

heavily improvised, playing with the collapse of massed, barely functional salvaged equipment and software systems made manifest in sound/noise and image, ap present a complex, process-driven constructivist performance; the symphonic rise of the attempt to piece together fugal systematics is played out against the noise of collapse and machine crash at the deserted border of control.

ap have recently performed using custom code (ap0202/gdapp) and hardware (computer controlled decks) in bergen, london, bilbao, los angeles, santa fe, glasgow, norway

Group Members
Group Members: 
Jonathan Kemp
Martin Howse
Group Information
Editors of this node:
Martin Howse, Jonathan Kemp