Creative Forum

The Creative Forum exists as an open space for bringing together different and diverse groups and individuals to meet, share and express creative visions of another world, and to network alternatives to the conventional way of thinking with regards to global political ecological and ethical relationships.

The Creative Forum exists as an open space for bringing together different and diverse groups and individuals to meet, share and express creative visions of another world, and to network alternatives to the conventional way of thinking with regards to global political ecological and ethical relationships. All in an informal, participatory creative atmosphere.

Our aims are to build creative networks and active friendships.

The Visions of Another World events we organise are platforms for presentation, discussion, networking and skill-sharing, surrounded by independantly-minded entertainment and creativity.

To start getting involved join the Creative Forum mailing list:

[URL="The Creative Forum exists as an open space for bringing together different and diverse groups and individuals to meet, share and express creative visions of another world, and to network alternatives to the conventional way of thinking with regards to global political ecological and ethical relationships. All in an informal, participatory creative atmosphere.

Our aims are to build creative networks and active friendships.

The Visions of Another World events we organise are platforms for presentation, discussion, networking and skill-sharing, surrounded by independantly-minded entertainment and creativity.

To start getting involved join the Creative Forum mailing

Group Members
Group Members: 
Alan Liddiard
Josef Davies-Coates
Teresa Teran
Group Information
Group space or venue: