Danças na Cidade

Co-producer - organizer of Danças na Cidade FESTIVAL. "Around One was part of SCORES AND LANDSCAPES - see: http://www.alkantara.pt/dancas2005/f02ingles.htm#partituras

Danças na Cidade becomes alkantara. After 13 years of working in contemporary dance, the change of name highlights the evolution that has taken place over the last few years in the arts world and in the way we envisage our work. alkantara means "the bridge" in Arab language (Alcântara also happens to be the neighbourhood of the bridge over the river Tejo in Lisbon) and our objective is to build bridges: between artists, between cultures, between art forms.

The new dance that shook up the Portuguese arts scene during the nineties with its audacious proposals, is now accompanied by a variety of innovative theatre work and an increasingly important alternative music production. The borderline that divides art forms has become tenuous. We have decided to enlarge our field of action so as to include these new realities and develop activities in dance, theatre, music and all hybrid forms.

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