
Stockholm based Arts collective researching into particpatory practices, and Media.

Interacting Arts is a magazine and a group concerned with participation, interaction and the de- and re-construction of reality. We write articles and essays, work on projects, seminars, lectures and workshops.

We do not consider ourselves to be attached to any specific discipline. The works we do are enacted in various fields: art, performance, role-playing, pervasive gaming or as stand-alone projects. We enjoy roaming the streets, working outside the boundaries of institutions which still worship the objectifying aesthethics of the producer-and-consumer dualism.

We refuse such assigned roles and create new ways of being and acting. Through role-playing, we learned the full possibilities of reconstructing identities. We lost faith in a reality defined for us but not by us. We declare war on consensus-reality.

We claim and construct our own territories, building realities of our own. Our preferred methods are the salon and the reality game. The salon is a constructed experimental social situation where new modes of social interaction is enacted. The reality game is an infiltration of new constructs into consensus reality, an offensive simulation to counter the simulated realness of reality itself.

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