Giulia Bonali
Giulia Bonali Date of birth: 19th November 1977
Address: 35 Elderfield road
London E5 OLG
Telephone: 07910 590 393
Qualifications April 2004 Modern Arts degree at Florence University 106/110 with final dissertation :
Towards a biological conception of the Arts?.
1996 Secondary school diploma at Liceo Classico in Pesaro.
Experience 2005 Production assistant for commercial video shoots, Studio 33, Pesaro:
assisting senior production manager
organising short movies
liaising with clients
planning daily activities
2004 Production assistant at the Rossini Opera Festival, Pesaro:
assisting artistic director and set designer
writing press-releases
2003 Curator of the A family of Venetian artists: Domenico
Bresolin and Emma Ciardi exhibition at LV Gallery, Pesaro.
2001-2003 Exhibiting at the following antique book and trade fairs:
Libri antichi a Foligno, Foligno
Byblos in Novero, Milan
I vecchi libri in piazza, Piazza Diaz, Milan
1999-2001 Collaboration with book shop specialising in ancient and rare
books, writing brief reviews for the sale of paper and online
catalogues. I worked mainly from Florence where at the same time
I was studying history of the Miniatura and Codicologia at the
Languages Italian (native speaker)
Computer skills Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet research