Antarctic Journey by Anne Brodie

Most people who visit Antarctica are scientists
Most of the work that comes out of Antarctica is scientific data
Most people think of Antarctica as a beautiful, remote place disassociated from their everyday lives and cultures.

There are many ways in which to consider the word 'data'. As an artist rather than a scientist in Antarctica, Anne Brodie was free to be playful, emotional, and subjective in the ways in which one could respond to that environment. Stripped of the superfluous external stimuli that surrounds our normal everyday western lives, the vast Antarctic landscape gives heightened awareness to our own vulnerabilities and human significance.

Everything we do shows up in the Antarctic, our personal and industrial mark-making is just as relevant as our direct mark-making in the icy landscape. Anne Brodie is attempting to access that landscape and bring it back into a more universally acceptable human form, It is to do with us, it is after all in its reflection of us, very like us.

This unique show for first time brings together a collection of work developed by Anne Brodie during her British Antarctic Survey / Arts Council England Antarctic Fellowship 2006/07.

Editors of this node:
Ilze Black