Dowsing Poplar

A collective means to map Poplar using dowsing and GPS
Melissa Bliss will lead a group walk to map the energies of Poplar using the ancient art of dowsing and the modern science of the Global Positioning System.

A collective means to map Poplar using dowsing and GPS
Melissa Bliss will lead a group walk to map the energies of Poplar using the ancient art of dowsing and the modern science of the Global Positioning System. Dowsing is a means of detecting the presence of water, minerals and earth energies using rods or pendulums. GPS is a system designed and controlled by the United States Department of Defence for determining an exact location using satellites.
Full instruction in dowsing and GPS will be given and all participants will receive a copy of the map created.
Melissa Bliss is a London-based artist interested in local places.

Project Participants
Participating individuals (users on this site): 
Melissa Bliss
Editors of this node:
Melissa Bliss