
The major project will synthesize the artistic method and neuroscientific methods to examine mechanisms for emotional contagion.

Feel is a work-in-progress; during this preview we will test the initial video engine, the durability of sensors, and get feedback on the content of the initial database.

We will be using different bio-sensors connected up to a computer. Users will place their fingers on small bio-sensors attached to the desk. This will trigger appropriate video channels that respond to their heart rate. Video will be projected on the wall. We will be trying to trigger a bio-feedback loop (either making them feel more relaxed, or more tense).

The viewer wears discrete, yet highly sensitive bio-sensors to monitor multiple axes of the psycho-physical body (sweat response, pulse, respiration). These biometrics will diagnose the pattern of internal arousal states of the body. This will then be correlated to an 'emotional' map, in real time (using a wireless connection) to trigger a previsouly shot database of moving imagery and sound. The video footage constantly adjusts in response to the viewers internal state (creating a bio-feedback dialogue between the image and the participant). Feel will develop a new language of interactive and emotional communication with the audiences bodies.

Project Participants
Participating individuals (users on this site): 
Tina Gonsalves
Dr. Hugo Critchley
Dr. Doron Friedman
Tuvi Orbach
Editors of this node:
Tina Gonsalves