Human Conducted Tele-Vision Apparatus

Human Conducted Tele-Vision Apparatus is an interactive piece, that involves the participation of a maximum of four potential viewers.

Human Conducted Tele-Vision Apparatus is an interactive piece, which requires the participation of a maximum of four viewers. While one viewer sees through an observatory device, the other three participants wear different cubical coloured helmets. The observatory device and helmets are connected. What the first viewer sees is colour-filtered according to the alternative presence of three other participants wearing the helmets. The participants vision and sounds inside the helmets are also respectively colour-filtered and amplified.

Based on the RGB principle, the apparatus imitates the production of the minimum molecule of an image which is represented as a colour. This colour enters as a form of light radiation, flashed onto the viewers eye. The viewers gaze is dependent on the interaction of the participants. Thus, the transmission of light becomes literally a transmission of information regarding the presence of other individuals. With their heads inside helmets, the participants experience a particular type of communication with their surroundings. As a result of this experience an afterimage effect occurs once the helmets are removed. This delicate visual system can only be perceived once experienced.

Project Participants
Participating individuals (users on this site): 
Georgia Chatzivas...
Editors of this node:
Georgia Chatzivasileiadi