node drawings #4 and #5

These generative, participatory wall drawings map particular ideas relating to media arts using stickers.

low-fi will add to their ongoing series of 'node drawings'. These generative, participatory wall drawings map particular ideas relating to media arts. Visitors contribute ideas, connections and comments to the large scale drawing using custom-made stickers.

node drawing #1 (2002–3) was made over three months in Gillingham Library, Kent. node drawing #2 (2003) was made at DMZ Media Arts Festival at Limehouse Town Hall. node drawing #3 (2004) was made at Electric Weekend at Electric Avenue Studios, Brixton.

low-fi is an artist collective focusing on net art and mediation and distribution systems. Our activity is mainly centred around our website but also includes curating and commissioning net art.

Project Participants
Participating Groups and other projects: 
Participating individuals (users on this site): 
Luci Eyers
Alex Kent
Chloe Vaitsou
Jon Thomson
Kris Cohen
Jenny Ekelund
Christian Nold
Rod Dickinson
Editors of this node:
Luci Eyers