Por-trait, inIVA X-Space Commission by Franklyn Rogers

Photographer and artist Franklyn Rogers creates a collaborative project for X-Space, inIVAs virtual gallery which explores the future of portraiture.

"We are sailing in the sea of a global technological
revolution how we choose to navigate will define
how new continents are found." Franklyn Rogers

Por-trait a new adventure in X-Space, inIVA's
virtual gallery and ideas laboratory, celebrates the
future possibilities of portraiture through the use
of technology.

The artist and photographer Franklyn
Rogers invites others to contribute to the wider
notion of diversity through an exploration of how
we see our faces at this point in history. This idea
is underpinned by mapping the use of technology
onto the desire for the human spirit to express

As an artist whose work is already
challenging contemporary photography, at the
core of this project is his need to find a new
way to see and to be represented.

Project Participants
Participating individuals (users on this site): 
Josie Ballin
Franklyn Rodgers
Editors of this node:
Franklyn Rodgers