Iddu (meaning Him) is a 360° 12 screen art installation using the landscape of an active volcano juxtaposing beauty and danger. Duration 14 minutes
Iddu was shot in late 2004 on the Italian island of Stromboli, a small conical land mass formed by 2.5 millennia of constant volcanic activity. Stromboli (locally referred to as Iddu, meaning him in Strombolian dialect) assumes the leading role in the artwork as the artist responds to the seductive combination of intense beauty and the thrill of danger after witnessing Natures unpredictable, awe-inspiring demonstration of supernatural energy. The work references landscape - honed by time, powerful volcanic explosions, stormy winds and restless seas - as a metaphor for the human psyche and the acquisition of wisdom or scientia sacra.
The film consists of a combination of 360-degree and 180-degree panoramic multi-camera views captured on Super-8 film. Graham effectively conveys an understated knowledge after working briefly with the local vulcanologists, capturing images of explosive activity with ultra-high speed cameras triggered remotely by a seismometer. Further collaboration with the celebrated Japanese sound artist Akio Suzuki has provided Iddu with a highly individual soundtrack that combines the natural sounds of the island including those of the volcano itself, with the haunting music of an Analapos - an instrument built by Suzuki to capture the sound of the wind at specific locations on the island.
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