Pixel Lab
visuals for the SUM(1,4,6) show
The Pixel Lab is the personal playground and web-site of Elout de Kok, new-media artist, coder/hacker and VJ. During the years Elout has dumped here some of his 'interactive' net-art, and personal visual/vj experiments.
Elout`s VJ'sets consist of live generated and mixed up computer animations, He uses different languages like Flash, Shockwave, Java, Processing, C and C++/OpenGL. Besides his real time 3D-generated architectural; 1920's constructivism meets digital architecture. He`s exploring the borders of computer generated visuals, 2D/3D, speed-graphics and interactive visual scratching.
Pixel Lab
Priozil office Augmentation Quickflix magniloquence lineally Television land terminate raffle My Snoring Solution methodism Benefice Thinner-U immerse guiltily Offshore Banking Excel nonemployment