Takeaway Festival of DIY Media (3)

The third Takeaway festival will continue to build on the momentum begun with the festivals in 2006 and 2007

Tuesday 13th May 6.00-9.00pm
A Special Viewing and Question and Answer session via Satellite link with Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin the artists behind the Listening Post installed for one year in the Science Museum. The session will provide valuable access to the artists and help visitors to the festival to engage with the theoretical discourses that have grown up around this important piece.

Wednesday 14th May
14.00-17.00 and 18.00-20.00
RFID workshops
Each workshop is tailored for a maximum of 20 designers/artists who want to learn more about RFID and its possible benefits for interactive objects used in installations, interactive audio or triggering environmental changes of different sorts.

The workshops will guide the participants through the technical and design issues required for using RFID. Participants make their own prototype of an RFID application or scenario. Each object tagged with an RFID chip has a unique digital ID, and the workshop will show how data can be retrieved using these unique ID's.

It is preferable if those who attend have already attended an introductory course on the Arduino Board

Project Participants
Participating individuals (users on this site): 
Richard Colson
alex tyrell
Editors of this node:
Richard Colson

Takeaway Festival of DIY

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